Measurement Guide

How To Measure For A New Front Door

Measuring for a new front door, it sounds so simple. And in some ways it is - when you know what needs measuring! We’re going to provide the information below that will help your request an accurate quote from us and avoid any surprises or extra costs down the road with installation of our products.

Tools Needed: Tape Measure

Please note: In the building and furniture trade, Centimetres (cm) are not a recognised unit of measurement due to their inaccuracy. Metric measurements are always portrayed in Millimetres (mm), when completing a quote please give the measurements in millimeters for the greatest level of accuracy

When measuring for your new replacement front door, you must always measure your frame opening (that the door closes in to), NOT the existing door.

Step One - Measure the structural opening

You’ll need to measure the full width and height of the structural opening i.e not just the door. This is a brick to brick measurement

Step Two - Take an additional measurement

To be accurate on the measurement, it is essential to measure in three places on the width: the top, the middle and the bottom of the opening. This allows for any discrepancy in the wall sizes. Measure up to the brick or render or the outside of the frame. On the height, measure to the corner of the opening on each side.

Taking an internal measurement

When measuring your walls from the inside of your property, you need to measure from skirting to skirting on the bottom of the door and floor to plasterboard at the top, again taking an additional measurement in the middle to ensure accuracy